and "this christmas" will be...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

hang all the mistletoe, i'm gonna get to know u better, this christmas!

oh, my bad, i got a little caught up in the moment...that has to be my favorite christmas song ever! and this movie...hmmm, i don't know if it is my favorite christmas movie, but i did luv it!

I think this user, dee_matthews, over at yahoo! movies hit the formula right on the head:

"If you mix in Tyler Perry's Medea (drama and butt kicking) with the 90's movie Soul Food (sister issues) and add a pinch of Johnson Family Vacation (visitors and problems) you have This Christmas aka the Whitfields."
there's a whole lotta love in this movie...i went to see it by myself, so that should let you know really how much the love theme would jump out at me...i was very saw it on thanksgiving day, when i couldn't see my family, and i've been single for a looooong time, u know...

go see for urself!