lmao @

Thursday, January 1, 2009

this ad, targeted at you-know-who, that i just can't seem to escape from...ugh! i wonder who myspace photo album they cruised to jack this pic from?? is this person getting paid for it? smdh.

here's a vid i stumbled across on youtube posted by chicagoan99...it's a mash up of original music sampled by kanye west...of all of the comments regarding the vid, about 97% were negative, criticizing him for not being unoriginal, talent, arrogant and blah, blah, blah...but he gets props from me...there's a wide range of music genre and artists that he samples from...i think it's a great talent in and of itself to be able to hear something, internalize it, interpret it, and then re-invent it in a way that is a true expression of you.

so i say, keep doing you kanye...and other artists of various genres and mediums and keep blessing the world with your art.

happy new year!!

happy new you and yours, near and far! i only have one resolution this year...to blog more! i'm back! again! for the third time! lolz...it's 09...time to shine!

pic from colorcubic.com