whatcha gonna do...?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

i know i'm not the only one who watches hogan knows best! probably because i grew up watching the WWF with my brothers and my grandfather and i just loved, loved, loved hulk hogan!

well, i love the show. everyone just seems so down to earth and their family dynamic just really seemed to work for them...well, not well enough i suppose...

because, according to this AP article, linda has filed for divorce from terry "hulk hogan" bollea without even telling him prior to doing so! he had to learn about it from some reporter that called was calling to gather information for his article...that sux!

another marriage fallen victim to the reality show curse!

photo: VH1

crank dat travis barker!

Friday, November 23, 2007

i don't love soulja boy, but this travis barker mix is hot!

make me wanna supasoak sumthin'...lol

it just goes sooo hard!

hip hop goodness

Thursday, November 22, 2007

wow! happy thanksgiving to me! two of my favorite artists
(kanye west and mos def) together givin' it to us
straight off the top...i love it...

i found this jewel at here


happy thanksgiving to all who happen to pass by this pretty empty blog, lol...i'm working on it! i'm not able to spend this day of thanks with my family, but i hope you are able to be with your loved ones...

kanye's tribute to his mother

Monday, November 19, 2007

posted on youtube by user neekokeen, this video shows kanye west's heartfelt tribute to him mom while onstage in brussels, belgium, sunday, november, 18, 2007.

he speaks on the influx of calls from people he hasn't spoken with in years calling him and telling him how he should grieve...he also, tells the crowd how he really feels about the media.

he also dedicates the song, "don't stop believing" by journey.

one random chick inaugural blog post!

ok...so here goes nothing...i've finally decided to join the blogosphere...it seems easy enough to just add my two cents to the things i see going on the the world everyday...yeah right, lol, i doubt that...

one thing i notice when i look at other blogs, is that they generally have a purspose, or i should say, a scope of what they cover from day to day...i suppose that may be what sets this onerandomchick blog apart from some of the others...i don't have that scope, hence the name!

if asked, of all of the people i know, what word would you use to discribe this chick, one of the top 3 answers would be "random!"

and, oh yeah, as you can see, i don't do capital letters, or proper sentence structure for that matter! call me rebelious, lol...it's probably because i'm forced to follow the rules in every other aspect of my life that i refuse to do so here...

with that said, i hope you enjoy my of wisdom, or lack there of! and if you don't find wisdom here, i hope that you do find, open-mindedness, honest opinions, and feel a sense of welcome...let's see what happens...

ya can't tell me nothin'!

warm regards,

~your randomness